Do not forget

The one, you, who believes and is baptized will be saved.
Do not forget. You have been lifted from the depression and turmoil. You were freed and set to walk in the life of liberty of my Spirit.  You are my witness to what I have done within you.
What I said remains forever-true. If I am with you always, to the end of the age, how could I forsake you now?

Walk in the liberty which releases those from bondage.
Walk in the miraculous of feeding those who are in need.
All authority is mine, so go into your world and reflect what I have shown you. Model what I say and find true life. Teach them everything I have commanded you. I am with you always. Do not forget to receive love so you can freely release it it others.


Brittni said…
hello steven!

I said on OpenHeaven that I would post to your blog.

My Email is

God bless
Brittni said…
oh, by the way.


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