dreams of change

Tuesday evening as I was walking the dogs I asked God if I could have something I would know was from Him. I didn't really care what it might be, but just some type of confirmation of his working within my life. That night I had several very similar dreams They were the same dream I've had for years. It was one in which I was finding change/coins all over the ground. I saw myself (actually participated) in the picking up of many coins. There were so many I could not count them. This time though they were in and on fine beach-like sand.

I have yet to have a firm understanding of why these dreams. I understand that recurring dreams typically repeat so the message is grasped. I realize he's making many changes or has given me my 2 cents (this time several times over), but internally I know there is more. I do note that others most often do not see these coins and I also bend down to pick them up. I too am always
excited to find them (in real-life finding too).


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