
Never forget, it is I who has saved you. I gave my life so you might have the bonds of death broken apart. I willingly gave myself for you so the full price would be paid. You have now access to me. The restoration is full, but you can not allow yourself to be blinded.

Too many still judge by what they see. Too many judge by comparing their views and ideas. I have clothed you in righteousness. I have abundantly given you all that is needed; not for you, but for others.

Come up. You have access into the heavenly places. Come up to me in the clothes I have provided. Come to me so I may wash you again, removing the stain of everyday life. You are not disqualified.

You are mine. Raise the banner of my love. Raise the banner of wholeness and healing. Hold to your shield of faith so that others may see me. I have given you a sword of truth. Strengthen your arms and use that sword. I have provided you my Words. Speak them in love.

All things were created and I have provided all for you. Come and stand with me. Drop your defensiveness; Allow my peace to again permeate you. Allow me to strengthen you.

Put on my mind:
Continue becoming as I have created you and not what you think.

The Lord who rules over all says, ‘If you live and work according to my requirements, you will be able to preside over my temple and attend to my courtyards, and I will allow you to come and go among these others who are standing by you.  Zechariah 3:7


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