for John and Marsha

This is a word from God for a John and a Marsha.

I heard the word “sabbatical”.  Father is going to place you in a time of a sabbatical.  It is a new time for you, away from the things you are used to doing.

You will be given new shoes. Ones more appropriate for where you are going than you are now wearing. They will fit you for this new time.

You will receive a new coat to wear; a mantel which will cover and influence and protect you.  As you follow His direction His fragrance will be upon you. Others will smell the aroma and recognize that He is with you.

It is important that you do not allow the enemy to steal from you. Speak into the small situations. Do not allow him to gain a foothold as comes to take away small things.

You need know this is a time for change and growth. It is not a period of punishment. It is a time of growth in areas which are new to you. It will be a time of refreshment and encouragement.


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