My Voice

The voice of Adonai is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
Adonai over rushing waters,

the voice of Adonai in power,
the voice of Adonai in splendor.
‭‭Tehillim (Psalms)‬ ‭29‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭(CJB‬‬)

Listen for my voice. Don’t allow confusion
to guide your journey. Do not be entangled
in the ways of the enemy. Yes, I am
speaking to you. Look back at the markers
in your past where I have provided for you.

I’ve not changed my ways. Past promises remain
for you to fulfil. They will become markers
for the journey.

Trust my ways. Allow me to again fly you
into what has yet to come. Listen and obey
what I whisper into your dreams. I will guide
you where you should go. Recognize my voice.


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