
I am washing. I am about to release a cleansing. There is a rain available to those who will walk in. There is a time of cleansing; a way for those who will, to draw nearer to me.

The fire has burned many of you. You have been tested. The fire has burned away that which is needless and useless. Now allow my spirit to wash away the residue. Watch carefully what you allow back in; for there is a seven-fold return soon-coming. Weigh fully what you see at the door.

Do not be afraid of this rain. It will be different from what you have seen. It will be a new expression of me: A flooding you’ve not experienced. I am washing away not only the ash of the past and the ash of the present. I desire to flow freely within you. I am waiting those who will allow me to wash away the ash of their future. I desire to flow. I wish to show you a new flood of my ways.

No longer am I satisfied to take the path you wish me to travel. No longer will I be happy in following narrow man-made trenches. My rain is coming. It is flowing even now. I am about to burst forth through you and destroy the gates that keep you restrained.

I am about to release a powerful wave that moves not only where I have been. But the discerning eyes and ears will see me flooding onto and into the places I want my people to come into. I am bursting forth. I am washing my people. I am driving them into new ways and new levels. There will be a new venue and location where I can minister.

Ask me. My spirit is bursting forth. The time for refreshing is coming to a close. There is a new work. The time to eat the meat has arrived. Stretch forth your arms in praise. Stretch for your arms in ministry; the arms of the redeemer have shown you the model. He was stretched forth that my kingdom could be advanced.

Release the flotsam of your private life that the Spirit can use you. Let the waters wash away all that is unnecessary. He will show the way. He is ever-drawing all to the Son. Like a flood I am coming. The enemy can not withstand my ways. He can not stand against me. His ways will be washed away.

Flow in the authority I have placed within you. Living waters are ready to burst forth from within you. The waters have been bound too long. I am releasing the bonds for a new wave of my flowing. Learn to flow within me, that you be not terrified. I am the LORD God.


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