Sit before me
Sit before me in silence.
Low the eyes of your heart to guide you,
Not what you see or think what should be.
Each time you come I am there
And you grow more like my son.
Bow your attitude.
Place it in subjection to the spirit.
I will guide you. Allow my spirit to grant impartations
so you may grow in maturity.
I am moving towards those who will seek me.
I see your heart. I know what bombards you and how you react.
At night I have visited you. My angelic forces even now
are there. I have given them assignments.
Sit with me. Work through the distractions
of your body and soul. Commune with me, allow
me to show you what I am about to do.
My plans for you have not changed.
My love for you has not weakened nor waned.
Sit that I might strengthen you.
Yes, learn to sit before me.
Low the eyes of your heart to guide you,
Not what you see or think what should be.
Each time you come I am there
And you grow more like my son.
Bow your attitude.
Place it in subjection to the spirit.
I will guide you. Allow my spirit to grant impartations
so you may grow in maturity.
I am moving towards those who will seek me.
I see your heart. I know what bombards you and how you react.
At night I have visited you. My angelic forces even now
are there. I have given them assignments.
Sit with me. Work through the distractions
of your body and soul. Commune with me, allow
me to show you what I am about to do.
My plans for you have not changed.
My love for you has not weakened nor waned.
Sit that I might strengthen you.
Yes, learn to sit before me.