In all you do recognize I am there. I want the best for you; That you would prosper in all aspects of your life. You have been rooted in me. Do not now allow yourself to be separated lest you wither and die. In all you do consider me. My ways bring life.
In me your roots grow deeper and strong. In me there is good fruit and life. Examine the fruit. Good trees produce good fruit. Be ever-near me and you will remain in the vine. Attached to the vine you will find fulfillment. There is life and healing.
In my ways you will learn what it means to prosper and bear good fruit.
“A good tree doesn't produce rotten fruit, and a rotten tree doesn't produce good fruit. Each tree is known by its fruit. You don't pick figs from thorny plants or grapes from a thornbush.
Good people do the good that is in them. But evil people do the evil that is in them. The things people say come from inside them. Luke 6:43-45 (GW)