a morning lesson

As I was driving to my walk this morning I saw a man in a dark blue t-shirt. The shirt had one word written within it.  It read PLANOLOGY. I'd never heard of it and made a note to do some investigation.  

I heard a question being repeated within my Spirit:  What are your plans? Are you ready for me to break in? Be ready for where I will lead you. Do not turn away.

As I began our morning walk I came across two women who were ending their walk. The one slowed her walk so she might see the dogs and give them some verbal attention. The other continued to her car. As the one got into her car. She spoke to the one looking at my dogs. I recognized her voice and face. She seemed to be a person of my work-past.
I remembered her name was Karen.  I realized I was to find out more of "Karen".

What I found was simple and direct. Now it come for the part I am often the weaker. The application of the lesson.

Once home and with some rudimentary help of the internet. I found that Planology was an organization. Their motto was simple and direct:, "we believe achieving excellent outcomes for our cities, towns and environment is not setting the bar too high"

The name Karen is a Greek baby name. The meaning of the name Karen relates to "purity".

How are you going to affect your environment, both the personal space and the space which others can see?  Are you willing to allow me to reach out through you to reach others I place within your everyday walk?  I will reveal myself.  You need be ready to recognize my directing you. Walk-out the purity I have placed within you.

Draw closer and see my ways expand.


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