learn to trust

I am the way you are searching to find. It is through me
you will find the satisfaction of life. I will guide you in the ways of truth.
My blessing will follow you as you seek me in all your ways.

I am the way of truth. There can be no truth without me.
Do not be troubled, My light releases you from the bondage of self and the tyranny
the enemy attempts to trap you in. His ways leads you into death.

Draw nearer to me, and I will sustain you. I am the bread of life.
Feed upon my living Word. Listen and I will answer you.
Do not allow the lies of the enemy to seep into your life. 
Do not allow him to stain you. Seek my ways and find more.

I am the way, the truth and Life. Follow after me.
Learn to trust what I tell you.


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