
The Lord will continually lead you;
he will feed you even in parched regions.
He will give you renewed strength, and
you will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring that continually produces water.

Your perpetual ruins will be rebuilt;
you will reestablish the ancient foundations.
You will be called, ‘The one who repairs broken walls,
the one who makes the streets inhabitable again.’
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ (‭NET‬‬)

Draw near. Quiet the business of your
mind. Seek me and I will be found
in plain sight in front of you.

Just stop in the busyness of your day and
call out to me. Call expecting me to answer.
Do not be fearful, but come believing
I will answer you. I will show you what
yet there is for you to be doing.


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