Prayer from Psalms

O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection; rescue me
and save me from all who pursue me, or else like a lion
they will carry me off where no one can save me,
and there they will tear me to pieces.

O Lord, my God, if I have wronged anyone,
if I have betrayed a friend or without cause done violence
to my enemy— if I have done any of these things

— then let my enemies pursue me and catch me,
let them cut me down and kill me and leave me lifeless
on the ground!

Rise in your anger, O Lord!
Stand up against the fury of my enemies;
rouse yourself and help me! Justice is what you demand,
so bring together all the peoples around you, and
rule over them from above.

You are the judge of all people. Judge in my favor, O Lord;
you know that I am innocent. You are a righteous God and
judge our thoughts and desires.

Stop the wickedness of evildoers and reward those who are good.
Psalm 7:1-9 (GNT)


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