For those feeling dry and disconnected
I was recently driving in my car when I saw a large bird flying upward. I did not initially recognize it as it flew up and settled on the edge of a building. It was a turkey vulture. It sat there, looking about at the things below it. It was in search of a meal. To my children who are dry and feel like an empty well. You ask why you are feelings so distant and disconnected. I hear your inward questions and crying. The drought is over. I am sending my soaking rain. I have not gone away nor withdrawn myself. Draw close. Eat and drink from my table. These times of testing are so you might not rely upon the ways of the past. Your past ways will not sustain you for the future. Your roots need grow deep to strengthen the foundation of my growth. My ways are to grow you; to allow you to be strengthened in me. There are things to come which others may be disheartened. They see the circumstances and grow fearful. But you will have my life within you. My ways will course through you. You w...