return to me

I saw a couple who had walking together suddenly go divergent ways. He kept walking in the same direction, but she had a quick walk in the opposite direction.  She stopped walking and turned, looking in his direction. As he turned to face her, I could see her next running towards him.

I heard the Father say, It is time to stop walking contrary to where I am going. It is time for you to run back to me.

We used to talk together, talking as you went about your day.
But now you are silent, as embarrassed by the hardening sin which has come into your life. Turn from your self-ways and come back to me. Run back to me and receive the fullness of healing which only comes from being in my presence.

Do not wait any longer.  It is time for you to run back to me; return to the source of your protection.

I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.           Isaiah 44:22 (ESV)


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