more strongly confirmed

So we have the prophetic word strongly confirmed. You will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dismal place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19 (HCSB)

Hold tight to what I have spoken to you. Do not let it pass from you. The enemy would steal away the word and the joy it brings. He would silence any chance of it's maturity. That is why you need be firm in me.

Pay attention to where I am going. It will be a place you'd not expect.

My light through you is to enlighten the world. Know without a doubt what I've spoken to you. Do not get got in the twisting of words and meaning as did Eve. Write it down so time does not sift it away.

Let my countenance shine upon you and the joy of salvation fill you.

Do not become lax and self-absorbed, for soon then you'll even forget my name.  Call upon me and each for more of what you see in me. Do not be disheartened by what the world sees. You are mine and are part of my family.

Share with others what I share with you, that they may be strengthened and the word becomes more strongly confirmed.


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