
I looked, and each of the four cherubim had a wheel beside him,
and the wheels sparkled like beryl. All four wheels looked alike and
were made the same; each wheel had a second wheel turning crosswise within it.
The cherubim could move in any of the four directions they faced, without turning as they moved.
They went straight in the direction they faced, never turning aside. Both the cherubim and the wheels
were covered with eyes. The cherubim had eyes all over their bodies, including their hands, their backs,
and their wings. I heard someone refer to the wheels as “the whirling wheels.”
Each of the four cherubim had four faces: the first was the face of an ox, the second was a human face,
the third was the face of a lion, and the fourth was the face of an eagle. Then the cherubim rose upward.
These were the same living beings I had seen beside the Kebar River.
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭10:9-15‬ ‭(NLT)


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