
Now, mortal man, pack a bundle just
as a refugee would and start out
before nightfall. Let everyone see you
leaving and going to another place.

Maybe those rebels will notice you.
While it is still daylight, pack your bundle
for exile, so that they can see you, and then
let them watch you leave in the evening
as if you were going into exile.
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭(GNT‬‬)

I am there with you wherever you go
in your journey. You can’t hide from me.
I have placed things in your pathway
to remind you of my ever-presence.

There are obstacles to strengthen you,
to cause you to call out for my help.

In all you do, know I am there with you.
Seek me in each step of your journey.
Call for me each day. Allow me to reach
down into your life, to release healing.


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