
The sight was so terrifying that Moses said,
“I am trembling and afraid!” Instead,
you have come to Mount Zion and to the city
of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,
with its thousands of angels.

You have come to the joyful gathering of
God's first-born, whose names are written in heaven.
You have come to God, who is the judge of all people,
and to the spirits of good people made perfect.

You have come to Jesus, who arranged the
new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood
that promises much better things than does
the blood of Abel.
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭21‬-‭24‬ ‭(GNT)‬‬

What are your expectations? Do you believe
those dreams which were placed within you?
Do you still believe the I am the healer?

I have imbedded my ways within your being.
Look through my eyes and believe. Reach out
and touch the region I have given to your heart.

Expect me to release new hope and healing.
Step forward. Allow my ways to flow forth.
Expect my ways to prosper where I send you.


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