Reach Out

Then Noah sent out a dove to find out
if the water had dried up from the ground.

The dove could not find a place to land
because water still covered the earth,
so it came back to the boat.

Noah reached out his hand and
took the bird and brought it back into the boat.
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8:8-9‬ ‭(NCV‬‬)

Become like Noah and reach out.
It may be time for me to once again
alight upon you. Reach out.

Follow the directions I have shown you.
Do not be timid, but be bold in my ways.

Soak in my Word. Reflect the light
which I have given you. Reach out
over the waters and wash yourself in me.

Cast aside the fears. Reach out to me.
Learn to be who I created you to be.


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