Learning to listen

My apologies for not posting this short word yesterday.
Sometimes we think things should be longer and misjudge what we receive by wrong measurement.

for 5/21/2020 and the days yet to arrive.
Do not think I have forgotten you.

For 05/22 and those days yet to unfold.

Do not be confused by the chatter of the enemy leading to in every direction.
He comes to kill, steal and destroy your relationships. He dishonors me.

Look for me. I am here in each season, guiding you. Sit with me and receive your healing. Allow me to touch you. Listen for my heart speaking to you, and obey. There you will find growth and maturity.

In me you will find the peace. Recognize the whisper of my voice, see the leading of my eyes. Be sure in me and not what the world is showing.


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