
Showing posts from 2023

Learn My Names

The Lord said to Abram, Leave your land, your relatives, and your father’s home. Go to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse. Through you every family on earth will be blessed. Genesis 12:1-3 (GW) Learn who I am. I am the creator, maker of all things. I spoke life into existence, as you know it. There is no need to fear, but come closer. Draw near so we may speak with one another. Allow me to bring refreshment into your life. I am from before what you know as the beginning. I will sustain you and guide you in the ways of life. Spend time with me and grow deeper in my ways. Learn my names and learn more of me.

I Will Show Myself

The Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the descendants of Adam were building. The Lord said, “They are one people with one language. This is only the beginning of what they will do! Now nothing they plan to do will be too difficult for them. Let us go down there and mix up their language so that they won’t understand each other.” So the Lord scattered them all over the face of the earth, and they stopped building the city. This is why it was named Babel, because there the Lord turned the language of the whole earth into babble. From that place the Lord scattered them all over the face of the earth. Genesis 11:5-9 (GW) Learn whom I am, for I have many names and cloaks of great colour. Allow patience to become a covering for you. Without it your days will weigh heavily. Don’t permit fear to guide your decisions or you will repeat the lessons you should have learned. Above all, Know Me. Seek my heart and I will again show myself.

Releasing More

Turn off the noise and come away from the distractions which keep you from me. Sit and enjoy. See the handiwork of my creation. Notice the simpleness of my complexity. The ever-changing sky grants protection. Internally listen for my directing you. I will show you the way to be going. I will release peace and wholeness. Are you listening for me? Be prepared. I am about to release more.


Stop and pause with what you are doing. As you look about, seek me. Be found in the quiet of my presence. Stop and allow me to bring healing into your situation. Allow my Spirit to guide and direct you. Believe in my Word and step forward. I will illuminate the way for you.

Ever-Expanding Hope

Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭(NIV‬‬) Yes, I am with you. Do not be filled with anxiety, but look to me. Be secure in me and my unchanging ways. Feed upon my written word. Allow it to fill and guide you. It is truth. At all points in your day or within your lifetime, I am there. I have been your protection. I can be your hope for the future. Walk along with me. I will guide your pathway. I am your ever-expanding hope.

Be My Representative

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, Exodus 23:25 (NIV) It is time for you to grow. Learn who you are in me. All that I have is already yours. Step forth and roar my mighty name. Wherever you go, walk in my authority. Speak truth in your actions. I will enlighten the pathway for your journey. I will show you the way. Be my representative to the world. Walk secure in my ways.

In the Journey

But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:20-21 (NIV) Come out. Come out and walk upon the waters with me. Learn to walk where you sense my direction to be pointing you. I have given my examples of how you can reach others. Feed them the living word. Heal their hearts and wounds. Come out into my light. Allow me to guide you in the journey.

Light of My Life

As I speak life and hope into your life, you too should speak caringly for your neighbors. Reach outward and declare peace. Allow me to multiply my ways for the needy. Grow into that which I’ve placed deep within you. Heal the sick, raise the dead. Allow my spirit to radiate from you to those in need. Walk forth in the light of my life.

Ready Yourself

Therefore, get your minds ready for action by being fully sober, and set your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. Like obedient children, do not comply with the evil urges you used to follow in your ignorance, but, like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all of your conduct 1 Peter 1:13-15 (NET)

In Expectation

Prepare your heart for my surprise. Watch and see how my love applies itself to failures. For the hopeless I give a new sense of direction of being. Hope follows where you walk. Share my heart. Allow it to flow forward in your daily walk. Walk with me with in expectation.

Open Your Heart

Sing out and be happy, Zion my daughter! For look, I have come; I will settle in your midst, says the Lord. Many nations will join themselves to the Lord on the day of salvation, and they will also be my people. Indeed, I will settle in the midst of you all. Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you. The Lord will take possession of Judah as his portion in the holy land and he will choose Jerusalem once again. Be silent in the Lord’s presence, all people everywhere, for he is being moved to action in his holy dwelling place. Zechariah 2:10-13 (NET) Be alert this season. I am revealing myself to those who have yet to see me. I am showing my love and salvation. My promises and laws are unchanged. Open your heart and allow my healing to come upon you.

Where Are You Looking?

Then fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the portions of fat on the altar; and when all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces. ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭9‬:‭24‬ (‭NASB1995‬‬) Look to me expectingly for the promises I have whispered to you. They are real. Look ahead with excitement. Let your life radiate hope to others. You are my light. Keep the fire of my love burning. Look to me for I am yet there, leading you.

All That You Need

Ask the Lord for rain in the season of the late spring rains – the Lord who causes thunderstorms – and he will give everyone showers of rain and green growth in the field. Zechariah 10:1 (NET) Call out to me. Call me by name, the one who knows and yet still cares for you. You are my creation. Come seek me. Look expectantly. Learn my ways and my heart. I have shown you the pattern, given you the way. Don’t be hesitant. Keep me in your vision and step out upon the waters. I have been with you since the beginning. My heart has not changed. Continue to seek, I am all that you need.

Stop Striving

  He says, Stop your striving and recognize that I am God! I will be exalted over the nations! I will be exalted over the earth! Psalms 46:10 (NET)

In the Direction

In the past God hid this mystery, but now he has revealed it to his people. God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery— which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory. Colossians 1:26-27 (GW) Recognize my ways so that I can direct and encourage you. Step forward in the authority already implanted within you. Step out upon the waters in the faith which you have. Walk towards me. Allow my ways and directions to guide you in the direction to be going.

My Plan

Yes, I have called you to serve me. The fire on the altar must not be allow to go out. Warm your heart and be healed as you serve. As you watch, I will appear in front of you. Don’t be fearful, but keep your eyes upon me and I will direct you in safety. Fear not for I am ever-with you. Watch expectantly as my plan unfolds my judgement and my mercy.

I Am Here

Allow me to wash away those internal stains. Do you trust me with those issues of your life or do you think they are tucked away, hidden from sight? Open yourself to me. Walk with me, allowing me to guide you. You will sense my protection and leading. Set aside your inner fears and look to me. I am here for you. I am your creator-Father.

Let's Go

In the last days the mountain on which the Lord’s Temple stands will become the most important of all mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and people from other nations will come streaming to it. Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the Temple of the God of Jacob, so that he can teach us his ways, and we can obey his teachings.” His teachings will go out from Jerusalem, the word of the Lord from that city. The Lord will judge many nations; he will make decisions about strong nations that are far away. They will hammer their swords into plow blades and their spears into hooks for trimming trees. Nations will no longer raise swords against other nations; they will not train for war anymore. Everyone will sit under his own vine and fig tree, and no one will make him afraid, because the Lord All-Powerful has said it. Micah 4:1-4 (NCV)

Do Not Be Shy

This message is the secret that was hidden from everyone since the beginning of time, but now it is made known to God’s holy people. God decided to let his people know this rich and glorious secret which he has for all people. This secret is Christ himself, who is in you. He is our only hope for glory. Colossians 1:26-27 (NCV) Do not be shy nor timid, but speak aloud to me. I will reveal myself to you. I will bring the ability to change your situations. Speak aloud to me in confidence of my love. Allow me to warm your heart, filling you with revelation of my ways.

In My Ways

My thoughts,” says the Lord, “are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours. “My word is like the snow and the rain that come down from the sky to water the earth. They make the crops grow and provide seed for planting and food to eat. So also will be the word that I speak— it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ (‭GNT‬‬) Are you listening for me or are you busy with your routine? Recognize me. Stop and listen for my voice. Let it produce within you what is needed. Warm yourself in my word. Let excitement percolate into your already tired day. Awaken your senses to my direction and become enclosed in my ways.

New Vision

Quiet yourself. Look to me and not the Distractions which come towards you. Recognize my leadings. Come to me and be healed. I am the light of day, the warm of the morning sun. All these are of my creation, doing what they were created to be doing. Feed upon my written word with expectation. I will again open new layers for you. I will show myself as unchanging and caring. Seek me today. Allow my healing presence to deliver to you what is needed. What you need is a new vision of me.

How Are You Resting?

For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 (NKJV)

the Spirit of Him

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬ (‭NKJV‬‬) Know where you stand. Is it upright or have you slipped to one side or the others? Align your ways with me. Stand upon my truth. Being right is not what is important. Bring with me releases light and life. I renew your hope. Allow your spending to be directed to time with me.


Look past the distractions which lay in front of you. See through the weeds. I am there awaiting you. Listen for my voice. I will give you what is necessary for you to grow in me. I will speak your name. I will show you what you need. Clear out the distractions. Are you listening?

This New Day

This is your new day. Washed of past errors and mistakes you can move again. Yes, you are forgiven. Set yourself in alignment with what I will be showing you. Be clothed in my richness, sharing my heart. Today, you overflow with my heart. Reactivate what I’ve imparted to you.

Trust Me

  Look for me and I will show myself. All that your senses present are but a part of my creation. Allow me to speak through you to those I bring into your pathway. Open your eyes, for I am there. I am and I will continue to set forth my guidance. Banish fear, and put your trust in me.

In Your Pathway

Watch. I am placing opportunities in your pathway, ways that allow your faith to grow. Allow your inner imagination to see the ties I place before you. Reach out to them. Walk in my reality. I will take you where you need to be. I have given you the tools and giftings which are necessary. Now you must utilize them and grow.

In The Light

It’s time to wake up and stop resisting what Father has placed within you. Note the difference in being active in God-things and being pliable and submissive to Him. Relearn the waiting for Him. Allow His presence to overwhelm you, bring healing and wholeness. Release: Yes, let go of those stresses you continue to hold onto. Release them to me. Allow my guidance and protection to hover above you. Walk in the light. I will show you what is needed. I will continue covering you in my blanket of peace.


Release: Yes, let go of those stresses you continue to hold onto. Release them to me. Allow my guidance and protection to hover above you. Walk in the light. I will show you what is needed. I will continue covering you in my blanket of peace.

Pull Aside

Pull aside. Follow the pathway I have set for you. I will take you on trails which will allow you to fulfill that gifting which is yet untapped. Pull aside and call out my name. Allow me to fulfill and direct you. Resist looking back, but grow more in me. I am what you need to be doing the calling planted within you. Pull aside. I am ever-with you.


for God is not characterized by disorder but by peace. ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭33a‬ (‭NET)‬‬ Resist. Don’t allow confusion to cloud over you. The enemy would have you sense fear, sending confusing thoughts and feelings to misguide you. It is of the enemy. You are of my family. Let your prayers arise and call out to me. Know my written word. Learn my ways and my heart. I am with you.

Upon My Name

Let us thank the Lord, who has not let our enemies destroy us. We have escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap; the trap is broken, and we are free! Our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭124‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭(GNT‬‬) Calm your anxieties and walk secure in me. I am your covering from the rain of life. Be secure within me. Allow me to open your eyes. All creation is mine – spoken into existence from the breathe of my Spirit. Let your reliance be upon my name.


Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. “I am the light of the world,” he said. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.”” John 8:12 (GNT) Walk in the warmth of my light. Follow where I shall lead you. I will continue to supply what you need. Share my heart with others. Supply my bread to the hungry. Speak life, for what you give out comes back multiplied to you.


But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you. Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭6‬ (‭NET‬‬) Do not allow fear to guide your way, but be secure in me. I will be before you and guard your from behind. Be on the pathway created for you. There you  will be challenged to grow in my ways. You will walk in the light of life, sharing me with others. You will be reflecting my heart.

From the Beginning

In the beginning God created the sky and the earth. The earth was empty and had no form. Darkness covered the ocean, and God’s Spirit was moving over the water. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, so he divided the light from the darkness. God named the light “day” and the darkness “night.” Evening passed, and morning came. This was the first day. ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭(NCV‬‬) I have know you from the beginning. My ways and plans are deep within you. They seep out, encouraging your growth and direction. Yes, you are my creation. You are to speak out my way and words, those which I’ve given you and those which will yet be expressed. Be my reflection for the world to know my love and care for them. Don’t be fearful, but be ever-filled with me.

Be My Follower

As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon (called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen). He said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.” They left their nets immediately and followed him. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬-‭20‬ ‭(NET‬)‬ Take the time from your schedule to come and meet with me. Follow my direction and put aside the distractions. Know that I am yet all which you need. I am with you at all times. Walk secure in my light. I will direct you, showing you my pathway. Be refreshed in me.


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭(NET‬‬) Don’t be in a rush, but rest in me. Believe the words which I had spoken over you in the past. They will yet blossom and grow. Be filled again with my Spirit. Go forth and I will guide your pathway.

Living Water

Jesus answered her, If you had known the gift of God and who it is who said to you, ‘Give me some water to drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water. ‭‭John‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ (‭NET‬‬) Grow in the patience I share with you. Allow my ways to become your ways, shaping you into what I have spoken into your life. Reach out where I lead you. Allow me to shine through your ways. Be my reflection for the darkness about you.

Can You Hear Me?

As he said these things, a woman in the crowd spoke out to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts at which you nursed!” But he replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it! ‭‭Luke‬ ‭11‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ ‭(NET‬‬) Grow in the patience I share with you. Allow my ways to become your ways, shaping you into what I have spoken into your life. Sit and wait for me. Learn to spend time with me. I am molding you into my image. Consume my  written Word. Allow it to change your heart.

Grow Secure

You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden. People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭(NET‬‬) It is time for growth in your walk with me. Learn to expect direction as well as my correction. Learn so you may be a reflection of my ways for those I place in your pathway. Don’t be fearful, but walk secure in me. Listen and you will sense my guiding. Let your light shine in this darkening time. Grow secure in me. You are my light.

I Am With You

I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, for I, the Lord your God, am with you in all you do. Joshua 1:9 (NET) Do not be discouraged by what you see or fail to see. The enemy would paint his picture. He is a liar. Believe what I have told you. I am yet the truth you seek. I will light the pathway for you to follow. Continue. I will show you when corrections are needed. Reach out in my love. Be encouraged in me. I am with you.

Watch For Me

Watch for me and I will be found. You will see me when you expectantly look. I am there with you. Don’t rush through your day, but share your heart with me. Open yourself to me and my ways. Do not permit fear to be your guide. My light will shine forth for you and through you. Allow me to penetrate the darkness. It will flee and fall away.

Your Protection

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭(NIV‬‬) I am there with you in the midst of all that is happening in your life. My creation surrounds you; that which you cannot yet see, and in the ever-changing earth and atmosphere. Do not fear. Talk with me. In each season call upon me. Allow me to participate with your life and direction. I am your safety and protection.

Your Life

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. I am the light of the world, he said. Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness. John 8:12 (GNT) Experience me and learn the multi-facets of my ways and expressions. Seek me. Allow my healing to flow through the aspects of your life and those yet unborn. Quiet your thoughts and ways. Absorb my words. Let them be guidance in your life.

Awaiting You

Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.” At once they left their nets and went with him. Matthew 4:19-20 (GNT) Turn off the noise and distractions. Allow your heart to experience what I may have for you. Do not rush nor hurry. Be healed as I reach into those dark places. Think forward and back.. I have been at both with you. I remain ever-present. Sense my heart. In it is life. Within it is where you can hide in safety. But for now, there are places yet for you to be going. Watch for me. I am already there awaiting you.

Gate to Remain Shut

Then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east, and it was shut. The Lord said to me, “This gate is to remain shut. It must not be opened; no one may enter through it. It is to remain shut because the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered through it. The prince himself is the only one who may sit inside the gateway to eat in the presence of the Lord. He is to enter by way of the portico of the gateway and go out the same way.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭44‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ (‭NIV‬‬)

Walk Forward

No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. Matthew 5:15 (GNT) Let go of the frustration and fear. They are tools of our enemy. Call to me and listen expectantly. I am ever-with you as you travel through life. Call to me expectingly. Yes, I have called you. Walk forward with me.

In My Light

He said to me, Watch, mortal man. Listen carefully and pay close attention to everything I show you, because this is why you were brought here. You are to tell the people of Israel everything you see. Ezekiel 40:4 (GNT) Don’t allow the days of confusion to cause you to stress. Rely upon me. I am the peace which is essential. I am the light of the world, Allow me to share through you to others. I am the way the world needs. Be my reflection. Walk where you hear me leading you. Walk secure in my light.

Spread Your Wings

No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. Matthew 5:15 (GNT) Like the birds of the sky, I have created you to be unique, different from others, yet dependent upon me. Place your trust in me. Learn the ways I will guide you. Don’t hesitate, but reach out to others. I will show you. Spread your wings. Speak my life into their lives.

My Truth

A healthy tree bears good fruit, but a poor tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a poor tree cannot bear good fruit. And any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire. So then, you will know the false prophets by what they do. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭17‬-‭20‬ ‭GNT‬ ‬Watch. I am placing clues for you to follow. Don’t be in a hurry or you may miss the way I am leading you. It may not look as you may expect it to seem. Stay close. Listen for the sounds of my heart. It is drawing you closer. I am the way. Learn to understand my truth. Respond to my heart.

For You

But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord. James 1:5-8 (GNT) Stop comparing yourself to others, but look forward to me. I am there, with you. You are in a period of training, a phase that will end when you accomplish what I have for you.

More of Me

I myself will feed my sheep and I myself will make them lie down, declares the sovereign Lord. I will seek the lost and bring back the strays; I will bandage the injured and strengthen the sick, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them – with judgment! Ezekiel 34:15-16 (NET) It’s time to start over, as with a clean sheet of paper. Past mistakes are tossed aside; fresh ideas and direction are yet forth-coming. Allow me to direct you in the way I have for you; Like a re-potted plant you will grow and thrive in the light. Watch: Do not be surprised. Follow what you sense from me. I am leading you into more of me.

Do Not Fear

Meanwhile Jacob left Beer Sheba and set out for Haran. He reached a certain place where he decided to camp because the sun had gone down. He took one of the stones and placed it near his head. Then he fell asleep in that place and had a dream. He saw a stairway erected on the earth with its top reaching to the heavens. The angels of God were going up and coming down it and the Lord stood at its top. ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭28‬:‭10‬-‭13‬a ‭(NET‬‬) Stop. Watch around you. All which you now see with your eyes open or with your eyes closed, I have created. I show you with a drop of colour, ever-changing. Even your thoughts are guided by me and toward that which you next get to learn / experience. Be secure. Do not allow fear to be your guide. Remember, I AM.

Watch Expectantly

Do not become discouraged, but stand firm in me. Allow me to bring direction into your situation. I am the Creator-God. I am the life which you seek. Watch expectantly and I will reveal myself.

Within You

Allow me into your mornings. As you look about, all which your eyes show you are my creation. Depth, colours, textures and smells are all apart of what I have made. Just as you, they are in a cycle. You too change colour and depth. As I show you more, you grow in me. Look expectantly to and for me. Call my names and  speak with me. Grow as I have placed my seed within you.

My Reflection

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ (‭NIV‬‬) Walk secure with me. Allow me to guide you in each step in your life. Learn to trust that what I say now and what I have said are truth. Walk in the pathway which was created for you. your gifting need be exercised more. You need to express what need be, always in my timing. Step secure, walk in the deep waters. Reach out and trust in me. Step forward into the pathway. Become my reflection.

Test the Water

God sent his messenger, a man named John, who came to tell people about the light, so that all should hear the message and believe. He himself was not the light; he came to tell about the light. This was the real light— the light that comes into the world and shines on all people. ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭9‬ (‭GNT‬‬) Open your eyes and your heart, for I wish to involve you more in my plans for My people. I want to release waves of power through you, to spread my love. Don’t hesitate, but step forward and begin to test the waters.

Walk With Me

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (ESV) Ready yourself. I wish to communicate with you throughout this day. I will display the contrast of my heart with the ways of your enemy. I will display my love and allow peace to flood over you. What you need is openly available. Weapons of warfare and words of truth await for you to use. Walk with me. Move as I lead you.

Your Healing

I am there. Wherever you walk, I’ve been there before you, so you can trust my directing you. It is time. Reach out and receive your healing. Stretch forth your right arm. Hold it, expecting the needed healing. Listen for my instruction. Believe and follow what I have spoken to your heart. Learn to trust in me.


It was faith that made Noah hear God's warnings about things in the future that he could not see. He obeyed God and built a boat in which he and his family were saved. As a result, the world was condemned, and Noah received from God the righteousness that comes by faith. Hebrews 11:7 (GNT) Don’t be in such a hurry. Sit and wait for me. Allow me to wash away the lies the enemy has set before you. There is no condemnation, but redemption. I am yet what you need. Sit with me. Allow my Spirit to wash upon you, releasing wholeness and direction. My plans for you remain. There are my ways yet for you to discover and accomplish with others.

Come Fly

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. Exodus 14:14 (ESV) Look ahead. In trusting me I will direct you in your journey. I will show you the way you should go. I have opened pathways and doors you should go through. Place your trust in me. I have opened the skies with my love, so you may learn more of me. Come fly with me.

Your Provider

Can you discover the limits and bounds of the greatness and power of God? Job 11:7 (GNT) Listen. Each bird has its own song. Each tree drops its own unique leaves. So are my people unique. You are not created to be alone, but a portion of my people. Listen and I direct your pathway. I will show you myself as your provider.

The Way

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of Lords, for his steadfast love endures forever; Psalm 136:1-3 (ESV) Don’t become distracted from your journey In relying upon me. Many may give you their opinions on me and how I exist. Some will correct and attack you. Call to me believing and I will answer you. Allow me to set your goals, as I’ve set the pathway for you to follow. I will illuminate the way for you. Listen. I am ever-present with you.

Reminder from the Psalms

It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever; and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever; he who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭136‬:‭23‬-‭26‬ ‭(ESV‬‬)

Find Me

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 (NLT) Watch and I will show you myself. I will be in plain view, so you can find me. I will reach out and place dreams where you can find me within them. I will whisper your name, so you will seek after me. Be ready: I will be there for you. Are you willing to share me with others?

I Am There

Be expectant. Watch for me each part of your day. I will be hiding there, awaiting you to look for me. Rely on my Word and its’ never-changing truth. The more you have, the more is available to you. Cast aside the fear which would grip you. Learn to recognize my leading you. I am there with you. I am what you need.

Walk Secure

Let us have confidence, then, and approach God's throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it. Hebrews 4:16 (GNT) Are you listening for the direction I speaking for you? Know my voice. Allow it to bring correction during your day. Allow me to direct your pathway. Continue in the way I have shown you. Release your Inner fear and tension. Do not allow it to grip or guide you. Be sure. Be certain. I am ever-watching over you. You can walk secure with me.

Learn From Me

Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭(GNT‬‬) Learn to listen for me and I will guide you In the way you should be going. My love for you is to be shared with others. Teach them of my ways, Become my example. Seek my heart. I will be your shield.

Become my Heart

I am with you each day and new season. I will reveal myself to you, introducing you to what you need to learn as you walk with me. I will peel open the dreams you have forgotten. I will lead you in the way you should walk. Spend time with me. Become my heart to those who come across your way.

Beside the Chebar

There in Babylonia beside the Chebar River, I heard the Lord speak to me, and I felt his power. I looked up and saw a windstorm coming from the north. Lightning was flashing from a huge cloud, and the sky around it was glowing. Where the lightning was flashing, something shone like bronze. At the center of the storm I saw what looked like four living creatures in human form, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight, and they had hoofs like those of a bull. They shone like polished bronze. In addition to their four faces and four wings, they each had four human hands, one under each wing. Two wings of each creature were spread out so that the creatures formed a square, with their wing tips touching. When they moved, they moved as a group without turning their bodies. Each living creature had four different faces: a human face in front, a lion's face at the right, a bull's face at the left, and an eagle's face at the back. Two wings of each cre...


So as He stepped ashore, He saw a huge crowd and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Then He began to teach them many things. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭34‬ ‭(HCSB‬‬) Sit and listen. I have something to whisper To you, to deposit in your heart. Quiet your noisy inner-self so you can understand what it is I have for you. Don’t be robbed by your self-impatience. Sit. Close your eyes and listen with expectancy. Be ready.

Follow After Me

Listen to the sounds about you. They are of my creation. Falling leaves and rain are without conflict. Crows, like them, know my place for you. Be prepared. I have much for you to be doing. Listen to my heart. I will continue to guide you in the way for you to be going. Don’t listen to the lies of our enemy, but follow after me.

I Have More

Walk with the expectation of my presence. I am yet ever-present, I am never-changing. My ways are truth. What I have showed you in the past and what I have lain across your shoulders remains. Awaken. I have more for you to accomplish. I have more for you to be doing.

Light of the World

Lay aside the fear which would steal your attention. I AM with you. I am the maker / creator of all. Look for the clues I have laid out for you to find. Don’t be in a rush, as my ways are true. I am the light of the world. I am with you.  Hear what I have for you.

A Superior Gift

Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, and above all that you may prophesy. For the person who speaks in another language is not speaking to men but to God, since no one understands him; however, he speaks mysteries in the Spirit. But the person who prophesies speaks to people for edification, encouragement, and consolation. The person who speaks in another language builds himself up, but he who prophesies builds up the church. I wish all of you spoke in other languages, but even more that you prophesied. The person who prophesies is greater than the person who speaks in languages, unless he interprets so that the church may be built up. ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭(HCSB‬‬)

Walk Secure

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their corrupt nature along with its passions and desires. If we live by our spiritual nature, then our lives need to conform to our spiritual nature. We can’t allow ourselves to act arrogantly and to provoke or envy each other. ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Are you listening for the direction I am speaking for you? Know my voice. Allow it to bring correction during your day. Allow me to direct your pathway. Continue in the way I have shown you. Release your inner fear and tension. Do not allow them to grip you. Be sure. Be certain. I am watching over you. Walk secure with me.

Stronger In Me

Listen as the seasons change in their cycle. They do, as it was spoken over them. There is no complaining, but cycling In their growth. How about you? Are you too growing? Are you listening for direction from me? Are you speaking encouragement to others? Are you sharing with them of my love? Grow stronger in me. Recognize my ways and my voice. Be mine.

I Will Guide You

Jesus answered them, “I’ve told you, but you don’t believe me. The things that I do in my Father’s name testify on my behalf.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭25‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Leave your fears. Set them aside and walk with me. Through all your years I have been with you. I’ve not changed. I remain there guiding you in your pathway. Put on my ways. Walk where I shall direct you. If you look for me, I will guide you.

Do You Doubt?

Peter answered, Lord, if it is you, order me to come to you on the water. Jesus said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Be like the yard lamps. When you get turned upside down, let your light shine. Be who I’ve created you to be. Turn off the noise and listen for me. I am there with you I will speak direction.


  I am the light. Follow me where I shall lead you. I will show you the way to be taken. Consume my word. Open the depths of its pages. They will guide you. They will reveal hope for you to share.

Keep the Alter Fire Burning

Don’t get wrapped up in self or entangled in those small lies the enemy would feed you. Come away. Be back in My light. Be healed in my presence. Keep the alter fire burning.

My Blessing

It is the Lord’s blessing that makes a person rich, and hard work adds nothing to it. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭22‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Do not resist me nor ignore my ways. I am about to release healing. It is for you to share with those I will show you. Expect to experience me and my ways. Do not be impatient, but wait for me. Learn my ways. Reflect upon them with others. Watch about you for I a there. Learn to walk in the pathway I have created for you. Allow my blessing to be experienced by others.

Do You Believe?

As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, screaming loudly, “Have mercy and compassion on us, Son of David (Messiah)!” When He went into the house, the blind men came up to Him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe [with a deep, abiding trust] that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith [your trust and confidence in My power and My ability to heal] it will be done to you.” And their eyes were opened. Matthew 9:27-30a (AMP) Quiet yourself so you may hear me. I have things to say to you, encouragement and direction to pour into you. Call upon my name and I will answer. I will speak purpose into your life. I will fill you with my peace. Walk with me. I will open your eyes. I will show you what you need.

Experience Me

Listen to the rain as it washes off the leaves. I will cleanse and refresh you. I will continue to supply what you need. Watch for me and I will show myself. Call to me and I will answer you. You are my unique creation. My ways are planted within you. Then I saw what he looked like from the waist up. He looked like glowing bronze with fire all around it. From the waist down, he looked like fire. A bright light surrounded him. The brightness all around him looked like a rainbow in the clouds. It was like the Lord’s glory. When I saw it, I immediately bowed down, and I heard someone speaking. ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ (‭GW‬‬)

Ezekiel's Living Creatures

On the fifth day of the fourth month in the thirtieth year, while I was living among the exiles by the Chebar River, the sky opened, and I saw visions from God. On the fifth day of the month, during the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiakin, the Lord spoke his word to the priest Ezekiel, son of Buzi, in Babylon by the Chebar River. The power of the Lord came over Ezekiel. As I looked, I saw a storm coming from the north. There was an immense cloud with flashing lightning surrounded by a bright light. The middle of the lightning looked like glowing metal. In the center of the cloud I saw what looked like four living creatures. They were shaped like humans, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight, their feet were like those of calves, and they glittered like polished bronze. They had human hands under their wings on each of their  four sides. All four of them had faces and wings. Their wings touched each other. The creatures went straight ahead, a...

Where I Have Called

My sheep respond to my voice, and I know who they are. They follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will never be lost, and no one will tear them away from me. My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than everyone else, and no one can tear them away from my Father. The Father and I are one. John 10:27-30 (GW) If you listen for my voice you will learn to identify me. You will become less impatient with others when things seem not to go as you expected. You will learn to walk upon the water. Come out into the deep where I can teach you what you need to know. Follow where I have called you to go.

With Purpose and Honour

Take the time and seek me. Allow me to bandage your wounds. I will bring healing to memories which seep in from your past, seeking to poison you. I am the way, the one you need. If you look for me, I will be found. I will restore purpose and honour to your life.

Word for Joseph

Joseph, allow me to bring your physical healing. I will heal your back. I will speak peace into your relationships. Learn your reliance should be upon me and not those pain killers. Call to me and I will answer you. I am your healer.

Open Yourself

Open yourself to me. I am with you even now as you read this. Allow me to bring healing to your broken relationship. Allow me to reach in and remove your physical blockages. I am your healer, the one who knows you and cares for you.

If You Love Me

If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper who will be with you forever. That helper is the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept him, because it doesn’t see or know him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:15-17 (GW) Do not be surprised. I have yet more for you. Follow what you sense me directing to be doing. I will guide you. Open your eyes and watch what I have for you to be doing. Speak encouragement and healing to those I bring to your path. Call upon my spirit. Let healing and blessing flow to those in need. Allow my love to flow to those in need. Speak my encouragement into their lives. Take the next step with me. I will be your guide and direct you.

With You

I am here with you. Quiet your heart and listen for me. I am whispering direction and my ways into your life. Be filled with the direction of my written Word. Within it is life. Seek me and I will be found. I will show myself. I am here with you.

What You Need

This is not a time to allow fear or doubt to have upon influence you. Remember, I AM is for you. Think back of my ways with you and how over the years I have guided you. I have gifted and covered you with my Spirit. I have breathed my breathe into your life. Follow after me. I am what you are searching. I am what you need.

Learn My Ways

I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep as the Father knows me. My sheep know me as I know the Father. So I give my life for my sheep. I also have other sheep that are not from this pen. I must lead them. They, too, will respond to my voice. So they will be one flock with one shepherd. ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Listen for me and I will talk with you. I will speak to you in many ways. I will speak, calling out thru the blue jays or the white fluffy clouds skittering east to west. Take the time to patiently learn my ways.

Be My Reflection

That same day Jesus left the house and sat down by the Sea of Galilee. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat. He sat in the boat while the entire crowd stood on the shore. Then he used stories as illustrations to tell them many things. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭3‬a (‭GW)‬‬ Grow in my likeness. Reflect me to those others around you. They are in need. Think back upon the peoples from the past stages of your life. I placed them there for/with you to grow. Pray for them. They have needs which are not expressed across the years and lifetimes. Rest assured in me. I have placed you in a time and location within my plan. You are where you are for my specific purpose.

Upon the Waters

And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭(ESV‬‬) I am watching over you as a cover of protection. If you listen you will hear me whispering your name, and answers to those nagging questions. Do not allow fear to be your guide, but step forward where you sense me guiding you. It’s time to walk out upon the waters.


Allow me and I will reveal myself to you. I will show you things I’ve not yet shown you. I will introduce you to those I have selected. You will pray for them and their needs. Walk upright in me. It is time for you to become what I already see within you.

Look For Me

Don’t be caught in the anxiety of your life, but look to me. I am the answer you need. I have not forgotten you. I’ve known you before your inception. I’ve placed my ways and directions within you. Talk with me throughout your day, allow me guide you. Look for me within your dreams. I have placed my ways and directions such that you may find them.

I Will Show You

The Lord made the earth by his power. He set up the world by his skill. He stretched out the world by his understanding. He speaks, and the water in the sky produces a storm. He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning flash with the rain. He brings wind out of his storehouses. Jeremiah 10:12-13 (GW) Let me speak to your heart. I will heal the wounds. I will cause a new light to be seen. Don’t listen to the accusations of the enemy. He is a liar. I am the way and the truth. My written word contains the truth you need. Holy Spirit will guide you if you will trust Him. Follow after me. I will show you the way.

Hidden in Me

Since you were brought back to life with Christ, focus on the things that are above— where Christ holds the honored position— the one next to God the Father on the heavenly throne. Keep your mind on things above, not on worldly things. You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3 (GW) Be focused upon me and my ways. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you. In your thought life and action, be thankful. Share what I have given you. Let my peace overflow from and through you. You are my reflection for the world.

My Ways Within You

Listen for me. I am calling out to you. Allow me to inhabit your space. I will cleanse you and release wholeness. Release your anxieties and be filled with my spirit. I have known you since before your earthly beginning. I have implanted my ways within you. Listen. You will hear me calling your name. Do you recognize my voice?

For Pamela

You received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live as Christ’s people. Sink your roots in him and build on him. Colossians 2:6-7a (GW) For Pamela (the one with a favorite red sweater) Father says he smiles when He sees you. He’s heard the prayer you whisper to him in your loneliness. He invites you to draw closer to him and experience His forgiveness. Come back to Him.

Listen and Watch

Get up! It’s your duty to take action. We are with you, so be strong and take action. Then Ezra got up and made the leaders, priests, Levites, and all the rest of Israel swear to do what they had said. So they took an oath. Ezra 10:4-5 (GW) Listen and watch. I am actively about you. I am putting clues within your life and pathway. They are the small things which impact those you are in contact. Listen and watch. Participate with me and watch as things expand in unexpected heavenly ways. Watch as the sick are healed. The deaf have new hearing. Yes, it is more than your duty to take action, it is an opportunity to sense me expanding more within your life.

Ten 4

After he has brought out all his sheep, he walks ahead of them. The sheep follow him because they recognize his voice. John 10:4 (GW) Christ is the fulfillment of Moses’ Teachings so that everyone who has faith may receive God’s approval. Romans 10:4 (GW) The Lord’s glory rose from the angels to the entrance of the temple, the cloud filled the temple, and the brightness of the Lord’s glory filled the courtyard. The sound of the angels’ wings was heard as far as the outer courtyard. It was like the sound of the Almighty God when he speaks. Ezekiel 10:4-5 (GW) When the seven thunders spoke, I was going to write it down. I heard a voice from heaven say, “Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and don’t write it down.” Revelation 10:4 (GW)

Into The Waters

Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: Be joyful! Let everyone know how considerate you are. The Lord is near. Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Philippians 4:4-6 (GW) Stop your fretting. Find yourself with me. Focus upon my heart, learn the deeper ways I have for you. Step out into the waters where I have shown you. I will guide you as you obey my whispering. Keep moving where I’ve shown you. I am what you are searching for.

Walk With Me

Walk with me. Allow me to show you what you yet need to learn. My pathway is narrow, but wide enough for you to follow. Step out. Move forward with what I have shown for you to be doing. Rely upon me. I have the answers you are searching for. I am the light, all else is darkness and lies. In me is light and life. It is open for you.

Look For Me

Jesus answered him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (GW) Look for me and I will show myself. Allow me to talk with you, to give you direction. I am the way for you to be going. Follow after me and my way. Be doing the things which I do. I am yet the life which you are seeking.

There With You

Listen for the sounds all about you. They are of my creation. You are to speak to them. Allow encouragement to flow from your mouth. Let your heart reflect my ways, following my leading. I am there with you wherever you find yourself.

An Answer

O Lord, attack those who attack me. Fight against those who fight against me. Use your shields, ⌞both⌟ small and large. Arise to help me. Hold your spear to block the way of those who pursue me. Say to my soul, “I am your savior.” Psalms 35:1-3 (GW) Awaken yourself from the fog which you’ve allowed to cover my vision for you. Wash yourself in my Word and be refreshed. Look forward for I am there awaiting you. I am there. Don’t listen to the lies the enemy has sown.

Strong Shield

Finally, receive your power from the Lord and from his mighty strength. Put on all the armor that God supplies. In this way you can take a stand against the devil’s strategies. ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ (‭GW‬) Be responsive to my voice. Follow when I direct you to change course. Be ready to move ahead into what may seem as uncharted geography. I will continue to lead and direct you. I will be your strong shield.


I have known you from before your beginning. I have placed my ways and words into your DNA. I have given you my breath. You carry my authority. Open your eyes. See beyond the limits your enemy declares for you. Do not allow fear to guide nor direct you, but be beneath my authority. Walk in the safety and direction which I provide. Yes, you are mine.

I AM Peace

Practice what you’ve learned and received from me, what you heard and saw me do. Then the God who gives this peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 (GW) Don’t be clouded by the past. I am yet looking forward. Look for me where I am directing you, not to where others have gone. I am there in front of you. I am the peace you seek. I am the way for you to go.


By day the Lord went ahead of them in a column of smoke to lead them on their way. By night he went ahead of them in a column of fire to give them light so that they could travel by day or by night. The column of smoke was always in front of the people during the day. The column of fire was always there at night. ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭13‬:‭21‬-‭22‬ ‭(GW‬‬) When you look in front of yourself what do you see? Is it failures or self-expectations? Look again. Readjust. It is me. I am there to led you. My light will show you the way to be going. I am dispelling the lies of darkness.

Here With You

He leads chariots and horses, an army and reinforcements. (They lie down together and do not get up ⌞again⌟. They are extinguished and snuffed out like a wick.) This is what the Lord says: Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago. I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land. Isaiah 43:17-19 (GW) I am ever-present. Whether you serve me or not, I am there. Call out my name and see if I will not answer you. Leave behind the junk and disbelief. Those are things the enemy sets before you. They are but his attempt to distract you from life with me. Recognize me. I am here with you.

What I Said

I am the Lord; that is my name. I will not give my glory to anyone else or the praise I deserve to idols. What I said in the past has come true. I will reveal new things before they happen. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Be patient. Don’t rush through your day. I wish to bring things to your attention. Do not allow the buzzing bees to bring distraction. They will not sting you.

His Ways and Actions

The poor and needy are looking for water, but there is none. Their tongues are parched with thirst. I, the Lord, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will not abandon them. I will make rivers flow on bare hilltops. I will make springs flow through valleys. I will turn deserts into lakes. I will turn dry land into springs. I will plant cedar, acacia, myrtle, and wild olive trees in the desert. I will place cedar, fir, and cypress trees together in the wilderness. People will see and know. Together they will consider and understand that the Lord’s power has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭17‬-‭20‬ ‭(GW‬‬)

The Way To Go

Your answer lies within what I have shown you. I have protected you and directed your footsteps. Walk with me. Don’t listen to the others who claim to have truth. Their eyes are clouded with lies. Continue in me. Consume my written word. In it is truth and life. In it I will show you the way to go.

Ten Steps

Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah: “Go and say to Hezekiah, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and will defend this city. “This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that he has promised: Behold, I will make the shadow cast by the declining sun on the dial of Ahaz turn back ten steps.” So the sun turned back on the dial the ten steps by which it had declined. Isaiah 38:4-8 (ESV) You too can call out to me. I have given you new life. I have shown you dreams, some you have yet to understand. Reach for me so that I may be found. Your destiny unfolds around me.

Safety and Direction

I have known you from before your beginning. I have placed my ways and words into your DNA. I have given you my breath and you carry my authority. Open your eyes. You are mine and you can see beyond the limits the enemy falsely declares. Do not allow fear to guide you, but be beneath my authority. I will guide you. Walk in the safety and direction I provide. Yes, you are mine.

Speak Life

Therefore Adonai is longing to be gracious to you. Thus He will be exalted, so He may have mercy on you. For Adonai is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭30‬:‭18‬ ‭(TLV‬‬) Speak Life: Do not be contaminated by fear or anger. Allow my words to direct you. It’s time for you to awaken to the dreams I have given you. Listen for me and I will answer you. Be a blessing and speak life, not discouragement.


What Do You Value? Speak forth in love. Proclaim my name to those who are in need. Step forward in your calling, that name which I spoke over you. In me you are complete. Go forward and test what I have shown to you and walk with me.

Come Forward

The ear that hears, the eye that sees — the Lord made them both. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20‬:‭12‬ ‭(GW‬‬) I am here, what for me as I display my ways. Do not resist my ways. I am about to Release a new healing. Be prepared and walk the pathway created for you. Come forward and ask to stand where I have shown you. Speak my words of healing and direction in the darkness.

Safe in Me

I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Don’t listen to the lies and accusations of the enemy. Be strong and courageous in me. Walk in the pathways I have set for you. Know I will be with you and show you the way. Listen for my voice. Respond to my whisper. You are safe in me.

Word for Lisa

So the Pharisees asked the man again how he received his sight. The man told the Pharisees, “He put a mixture of spit and dirt on my eyes. I washed it off, and now I can see.” ‭‭John‬ ‭9‬:‭15‬ ‭(GW‬‬) It’s time for you to speak to your mother. It’s  time for healing. Patch-up those feelings of  misgiving. Allow her to know your love for her. Do not be fearful of the ways of the enemy, but stand firm in my Word. Let it direct you. My light will show you the way.

It's Time

Live a more disciplined life, and listen carefully to words of knowledge. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23‬:‭12‬ (‭GW‬‬) Quiet your busyness and be doing what I have for you. Leave your selfishness and impatience at my altar and allow wholeness to descend upon you. It’s time to walk where I will show you.

Don't Hurry

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬ ‭(TLV‬‬) Don’t be in a hurry, but pause and listen for me. Allow me into your day. Let my direction and healing flow through you. Look for me and you will find me. I am there with you.


Then God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I am making between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you for all future generations. My rainbow do I place in the cloud, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the land. ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭(TLV‬‬) Wherever you are, wherever you may go, I am already there. Look for me. Call upon my name. Don’t allow impatience to guide you. Seek after me and my ways. My word will guide you.

Trust In Me

But the crowds found out about this and followed him. He welcomed them, talked to them about God’s kingdom, and cured those who were sick. Luke 9:11 (GW) Quiet your inner self and listen. I will give the needed direction. Watch and believe. I will do what I have said I will do. Leave fear behind. Walk with me and where I will guide you. Learn to trust in me.

Come Closer

Then he took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, and blessed the food. He broke the loaves apart and kept giving them to the disciples to give to the crowd. All of them ate as much as they wanted. When they picked up the leftover pieces, they filled twelve baskets. Luke 9:16-17 (GW) Come closer and allow me to wash you. Allow me to feed you My Word. Put aside the noise of your day and focus upon Me. Don’t resist me nor my ways. I am here with you to release healing, to direct your pathway.

Where Are You?

On their way down the mountain, Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone what they had seen. They were to wait until the Son of Man had come back to life. They kept in mind what he said but argued among themselves what he meant by “come back to life.” Mark 9:9-10 (GW) The apostles came back and told Jesus everything they had done. He took them with him to a city called Bethsaida so that they could be alone. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭10‬ ‭(GW‬‬)

Shelter from the Storm

Then God spoke further to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord.” Exodus 6:2 (AMP) A large crowd followed him because they saw the miracles that he performed for the sick. ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Expect me for there are things which need correction. Allow me to guide you in my way and in my timing. Expect me to act in your behalf. I will supply what is needed. Recognize my workings and the opportunities to draw closer to me.

My Light

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭(MEV‬‬) Don’t give in to the giants. My light shines. Quiet yourself and seek me. I am there with you. My light will lead you in the times of darkness. I will protect you with my living word. I will cut off the head of the enemy.

Ways of Heaven

Jesus got into a boat, crossed the sea, and came to his own city. Some people brought him a paralyzed man on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Cheer up, friend! Your sins are forgiven.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Turn off the distractions and seek me. Allow me to introduce you to the ways of heaven. Majesty is everywhere you may think to look. The stain of sin has been washed clean.

Walk With Me

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 (NIV) I saw what appeared to be a plastic lid from a cup rolling right to left, down the street in front of me as I waited to turn right. It was passed by several cars, yet its movement was not affected. It had travelled quite a distance when it suddenly stopped and laid still upon the street. Cars continued to pass by it without any change in its course. You are not alone. You are mine and my gifts are available to you. Open your eyes to what is about you. I am trying to capture your attention, to teach you my ways. You are my creation, uniquely made in my image. Allow me to show you things, to direct you in my ways. Reach past what you think you know and walk with me.

It's Time

A wise person’s words win favors, but a fool’s lips are self-destructive. A fool starts out by talking foolishness and ends up saying crazy things that are dangerous. He never stops talking. No one knows what the future will bring, or what will happen after ⌞death⌟. Who can say! Ecclesiastes 10:12-14 (GW) It’s time for you to start believing. Step forward into what I have for you. Do not be timid, but be faithful in me. Start with the small things, then reach out to where I show you. Trust and you will grow in me. It is time to reflect my ways to those I will show you.

Call To Me

Follow the ways I have shown you. Be practiced in sharing my heart with others. I have given you what they need. Speak kindly and heal them. Call to me and I will answer you.

Guard Your Steps

Guard your steps and focus on what you are doing as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the [careless or irreverent] sacrifice of fools; for they are too ignorant to know they are doing evil. Ecclesiastes 5:1 (AMP) Look for me and you will find me. I will show my face and you can see my ways as I reach out. Seek me in my word and receive new life. Absorb the richness of my love and be willing to share with others. Yes, I have called you. Don’t allow fear to guide your way, but walk with me. Be doing what I show to you.

Be the Light

You are light for the world. A city cannot be hidden when it is located on a hill. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket. Instead, everyone who lights a lamp puts it on a lamp stand. Then its light shines on everyone in the house.  Matthew 5:14-15 (GW) Talk to me, expecting I will answer you; I will show myself. I will escort you safely Across the crossroads. I will give direction if you watch for me. Don’t try to hide yourself. Step into the light.

The LORD's Throne

On the fifth day of the fourth month in the thirtieth year, while I was living among the exiles by the Chebar River, the sky opened, and I saw visions from God. On the fifth day of the month, during the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiakin, the Lord spoke his word to the priest Ezekiel, son of Buzi, in Babylon by the Chebar River. The power of the Lord came over Ezekiel. As I looked, I saw a storm coming from the north. There was an immense cloud with flashing lightning surrounded by a bright light. The middle of the lightning looked like glowing metal. In the center of the cloud I saw what looked like four living creatures. They were shaped like humans, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight, their feet were like those of calves, and they glittered like polished bronze. They had human hands under their wings on each of their four sides. All four of them had faces and wings. Their wings touched each other. The creatures went straight ahead, and th...

Be Clean

He said to me, “Son of man, stand up, and I will speak to you.” As he spoke to me, the Spirit entered me, stood me on my feet, and I heard him speaking to me. Ezekiel 2:1-2 (GW) As I stepped out of my car for a morning walk I was drawn to a few things in the parking lot beside me. There, a few steps from me was a giant paperclip and a large red rubber-band. Don’t allow fear to guide you, to hold you back from what I have for you. Step freely into the light. I will continue with you, but not in the way you may expect. I am about to expand your border, to show you things you’ve not yet seen nor experienced. Do not react to them unless you sense me directing you. Wash your hands. Be clean in me.

All You Will Need

Believe in me and not the lies the enemy has set before you. Don’t allow him to have influence your actions. Remain true and pure. Each day I am with you. Trust in me and the words I have given you. I remain all you will need. In me is life. Share what you have received.

Yet To Come

In the evening, when the sun had set, people brought to him everyone who was sick and those possessed by demons. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭32‬ (‭GW‬‬) I know the name I have given you. It points to your journey with me. Don’t be impatient to get “there”. It is in the journey that you will grow to know me and the giftings you possess. I will show you things yet to come.

Be Washed

My Word does not change. What I have spoken to you remains steady and true. I have a pathway for you to take. Watch for me and I will continue to lead you. Listen for me and I will speak what you need to know. Be washed in my Word. Within it is life.

Continue to Seek

I look at you and smile. You are one of my anointed ones. I have placed my ways and heart in your pathway. Do not be distressed, for I AM Is with you. Continue to seek me and what I have for you to share with others.

Big Change

This is the time for big change to occur. I will show you things and you will speak My words, not your own words. Let there be no fear or doubt. I will do through you what I show you need be done. I will work through you, as you believe. Allow me and there will be a big change.

The Right Direction

Dear friends, don’t believe all people who say that they have the Spirit. Instead, test them. See whether the spirit they have is from God, because there are many false prophets in the world. This is how you can recognize God’s Spirit: Every person who declares that Jesus Christ has come as a human has the Spirit that is from God. ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭(GW‬‬) Listen and you will hear me speaking to you. I will point you in the right direction.


Stand before me and be washed. Listen and allow my word to flow unabated across the issues of your daily walk. Do not be surprised at the secrets I will show you. With them healings will begin, anger will dissipate. Speak when I tell you to speak. Keep silent when you stop hearing my directions. Grow in my word. Eat of the truths it will feed you.

Then and When

Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will hear you. When you look for me, you will find me. When you wholeheartedly seek me, I will let you find me, declares the Lord. I will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I’ve scattered you, declares the Lord. I will bring you back from the place where you are being held captive. Jeremiah 29:12-14 (GW)

Whole in Me

Draw near to me. Come closer and learn to experience my heart for you. Leave behind the past failures and successes. Allow me to take you to places you’ve Not yet experienced. Allow me to wash you, cleaning away the unnecessary. Become whole in me.

Watch and Pray

Watch and pray, don’t be in a rush. Wait for me. Allow me into your busyness. If you allow me access, I will wash away what needs be done.

Seek My Light

Stop and look about you. Contemplate what you think and see. All that you can see or imagine are mine. Watch and pray. Leave your anxieties. and worship me. Ask and I will guide your way. Seek my light and receive what I have for you.

The Creator

I am the creator-God, your maker. All things are possible with me. Come closer and learn my ways. Exercise my love. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you. Learn my word. In it is truth.

His Promise

Noah built an altar to the Lord. On it he made a burnt offering of each type of clean animal and clean bird. The Lord smelled the soothing aroma. He said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of humans, even though from birth their hearts are set on nothing but evil. I will never again kill every living creature as I have just done.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭8‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ (‭GW‬‬) Do not be fearful but walk with me. I will show you the way to life. Learn to trust the words and direction I will give you. Recognize me when I speak to you. Walk in the truth of my Word. It is life.

In the Garden

Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The man became a living being. The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east. That’s where he put the man whom he had formed. The Lord God made all the trees grow out of the ground. These trees were nice to look at, and their fruit was good to eat. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil grew in the middle of the garden. ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-9‬ (‭GW‬) Why would you think I do not wish to talk with you? I have many things yet to tell you. I wish to share my heart with you. Draw near and do not be afraid. Awaken at night and write dreams I will share with you. Allow me to speak to you through them.