
Showing posts from 2005

Eyes and Ears

Our bodies are to be sanctuaries. As believers, the Holy Spirit abides within us. We as a corporate church and as individuals are sacred to Him (1 Corinthians 3:17, 6:19). We are responsible for what we allow and maintaining a holy lifestyle. I’ve found that God often brings things to light in natural ways to remind me of spiritual principles. And the LORD said to me, "Son of man, take careful notice; use your eyes and ears. Listen to everything I tell you about the regulations concerning the LORD's Temple. Take careful note of who may be admitted to the Temple and who is to be excluded from it.” Ezekiel 44:5 (NLT) I’d gotten out a teaching CD to listen in the car on my commutes to and from work. I found an interesting reminder. The speaker was stressing the importance of our spiritual eyes and ears. We are to use our eyes and ears. Throughout scripture we are reminded as to the importance of our spiritual eyes and ears. In keeping from certain things their acuity increases. ...

Ask of me

Have you learned who you are? Ask of me. Be prepared to listen. Feed my people what I give you. In me you are complete. Learn from me. I will hold back nothing from those who seek me with their whole heart. Is that you? I look at you wondering if you will be the one. Are you the one who will move beyond your perceived weaknesses? Listen to my leading you each day. Stop striving. Lock your eyes into mine. I am moving. Come move with me. My Spirit is hovering over those yet to find me. Feel the wind of my messengers. Be prepared to move into new realms. The day of preparation is before the Sabbath. Be filled with my spirit. The chariots blaze with fire of steel on the day of his preparation for battle. Rest in me. Be prepared to move forth. You can go as far as you allow me to move. Bring forth only that I ask for. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat--that is all you may do. Learn who you are in me. Ask and be prepared to receive what is needed. Fe...

the message remains

Though the world be older, the need for, nor the news has not changed. We are not to fear what God is saying. He is still sending messengers with a word of hope. We should be joyful that this message remains for us; in fact we can be sharing this same message with all people we are in contact. Take the time this Christmas season to ask yourself, "'Where is my joy?" Take time to be renewed and relaigned properly with our creator. He has not changed. His message remains the same as one heard by the shepherds working in the field that one night, long ago. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for take note, I proclaim to you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people: Luke 2:10 (NET)

what does it mean?

Then I asked the angel, "Sir, what do these chariots mean?" He answered, "These are the four winds; they have just come from the presence of the Lord of all the earth." Zechariah 6:4-5 (TEV) Stand firm. You are not alone, but in a time of growth. Seek after me. Call out to me. Know I am answering, yet you may not sense it in your natural man, I am growing your spiritual perception, so you may walk in fuller manisfestation. I am about again to make myself known in new ways.

What are you expecting?

Increase your spending this Christmas season. God encouraged me by explaining that He desires to spend time with each of His children. He wants to build relationships with His friends. Expectations are a natural part of building maturing relationships. We are to begin to expect God in unexpected places. He wishes to reveal Himself to us, as well as to the lost. Ask Him and see if He brings us dreams and visions in the night (Daniel 7:2). He wishes to show us His ways and plans. Are you not His child?He wishes to teach us even as we sleep (see Psalm 16:7, Psalm 17:3, Psalm 42:8). He wishes to challenge His people to grow in His way. Begin to ask for more. There is much to be done. We are to receive from God so we might give to others. Allow James 4:2 to remind us that we are to pray/ask God for the things we want and need. It is in our growing relationship with God that we can see how faithful he is to reveal His word. "For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, ...

The stopped watch

You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to give them, as long as the heavens are above the earth. Deuteronomy 11:20 (ESV) We serve a mighty God. He is one who remembers us. He knows our frailties and failures and yet loves us. When we forget his ways he will send reminders. We are tested. As long as He knows our hearts are sincerely seeking Him, He pursues us. As I initially sat down in church Sunday 11/20, I searched my brief case for my pocket watch. I wanted to have it handy to look at, as I knew I must leave the service early. I found the watch. I thought the two year old battery must have died as the hands on the face had stopped at 08:02. I shook the watch and reset it to the proper time, but it made no difference. Several minutes later I re-looked at the watch, but it remained at the time I had previously set. I set it aside as the service...

You are my people

You are my people. I have created you. From the beginning you were created with purpose. That purpose has not changed. You are to still subdue the earth. You are to have dominion over the earth, caring for and tending to its needs. I have created you for marvelous deeds to be accomplished for me. That can be accomplished as you learn to trust and obey my leading. You must know my word, the written and the spoken. Seek to discover my secrets that I may reward you. You are my people. For my plans to be accomplished you must place me first. You must stop thinking about your ministries. Seek me and focus upon my ways. Grow strong in me and in my name. Allow my glory to be seen. I have created you, my people, to grow and not be stagnant. My water is ever-flowing. Share the security and refreshing I can bring. I have created this discontent within your heart. I have place a need for more of me. It is not my intent that you be comfortable, but matured. It is time to move beyond the reliance o...

a simple pwer message

This morning as I was reading scriptures the television was on. It was a good guy vs. bad guy kids program. It was the Power Rangers Ninja Storm. I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to watch a portion of the episode and to share what He had shown me. The Power Rangers are us. We both are regular people who have received supernatural gifts. The Power Rangers are individually dressed in specific colors, such as the Yellow Ranger or the Blue Ranger or the Red Ranger. Each ranger’s color was indicative of their ability to fight evil. While they were unique individuals, they were not to be seen as individual warriors. They were to work as a unified unit, with common direction. Together they defeated evil. Each ranger could fight alone, but when that occurred problems arose. The focus became the individual ranger and not the fact that evil was thwarted. With the eyes of the community coming to an individual here was a pride issue. The ranger became distracted and self absorbed. There was n...

What are you thinking?

Have you ever been asked, “What are you thinking?” If not, consider it now. What are you found thinking about? Where lays you thoughts, dreams and ambitions? Because where they are you will walk. Are you thinking of God and his ways, or are you stuck in the dwelling of what you see as circumstances? We learn to understand only that which we can experience. Have your eyes opened. Ask to have new vision. It is scriptural to ask to see. We are told we don’t have things because we do not ask for them. Jesus reminds us to keep on asking (Matthew 7:7, 11). Our eyes can be opened. We can view into the spiritual atmosphere. In 2 Kings 6:17 Elisha prayed for his servants eyes to see what he had already seen. Instantly Gehazi could see the horses and chariots of fire. If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-2 (NKJV). Are we taking the advi...

There is a way

There is a way I have called you to. Follow this pathway and there will be no lack. In the way I have created for you there is provision. I will provide what is needed. I have not created you to walk alone nor to work alone. You are apart of my family. I have distributed my resources in order that you may learn unity. Learn humility. I have placed within you needs: a need to minister to others and a need to receive ministry. Love one another. In holding one another in prayer, I can work. My people worship me. Fulfill what I have set before you. Do not hold back or be timid. There is no failure in serving. In me there is life. Listen for me. I am giving direction. Seek me and find freedom. As you open your heart to my voice I can accomplish redemption. As you begin to see into new realms ask for wisdom. I will supply all that is needed for those who learn obedience, trusting in me. Learn my ways. Experience me. Seek my heart and more will be given you. Spend time with me and my l...

walk in love

Walk in love. I've not called you to walk in fear. I have shown you the perfect example. Walk in love and be fulfilled.

I am the light

Let my light shine. Do not withdraw. Allow it to flood you. Be filled with me. My light is pure. It exposes areas that need healing. Step into fullness, become whole. I am calling you to follow me. I will illuminate the pathway you are to take. My light will shine. Follow me. Be constantly filled with me. There is no fear when you are in my light. I illuminate the lies and deception. I dispel all darkness. I am the light of the world. I am calling forth vessels to carry my word and truth. Are you willing? I am calling forth a new people; I require an army who moves when I move and rests when I stop. Do you trust me? Expose yourself to me. Surrender to the purity of light. I am all you need. My light shines through those who trust me. My light shines for those trapped by the ways of the dark one. My light releases their bondage. My light releases your bondage. Seek me to receive what I have for you. I am calling forth those who will step forth. I am calling those to walk into the dark a...

God in sports

Have you noticed a recent trend in sports? There was a recent increase of the champion spirit brought forth in the area of New England with the emergence of the Patriots in football. It has been repeatedly commented about their commitment to teamwork and not the individual. But the LORD is with me like a dread champion;Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed,With an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11 Have you noted who has won the World Series the past two years? Last year it was Boston and this year Chicago. It was a Red Sox with a bloody red sock (Kurt Schilling) that lead Boston to it's first victory. The "curse" was lifted. RED Sox and WHITE Sox; Consider these significant coverings and direction for the champions of God.For these White Sox gained victory. They soundly defeated their set of three opponents. This was their first championship since the infamous year of 1919...

the heavenly armory

For although we are walking in the flesh, we do not wage war in a fleshly way, since the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. And we are ready to punish any disobedience, once your obedience is complete. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (HCSB) We’ve all read and heard about spiritual weapons. We have some realization they are not weapons, as we would normally define weapons. We seem to know what the spiritual weapons are not, better than we can define what they are. I was recently re-awakened to perception of spiritual weapons. In a vision I was taken into the heavens. I found myself in front of a building with a very large doorway. There was an angel at the doorway. When he saw me looking inside, he asked if I knew what the building was. “No,” I answered shaking my head. I was t...

Standing firm

Stand firm in me. Examine me. Embrace the truth of my Word. I am truth. I have laid down my life so you might live in abundance. What I have done stands eternal. I have equipped you as new citizens. Walk in me and allow me to show you my love. Learn to increase your trust in my. I am truth and life. In me you can accomplish kingdom results; Speak redemption by offering acceptance. Feed my people what I have given you. Share my bread of life. Stand firm. Weather the storms and grow in me. All resources are mine. Spread them into my kingdom that the net of my ways will increase. I have equipped you to accomplish my ways. Walk in the truth I have presented, yet remain open. Grounded in what I have spoken, more will be shown you. Stop examining your supposed lack. I have equipped you to work in my ways. Through me my kingdom grows.

Flooded with Light

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else in this world or in the world to come. Ephesians 1:18-21 (NLT) I ask that this prayer of Paul seat itself within you. With your heart be flooded with the light of Jesus, He outflows to those we are around. As God is so rich in mercy towards us, so should we too reflect this great example. We have an inheritance far above our earthly standard of wealth. As we are called to be a light unto the world, we too may cast the shadow of healing. With a...

and Jesus answered

And Jesus answered, O you unbelieving (warped, wayward, rebellious) and thoroughly perverse generation! How long am I to remain with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him here to Me. Matthew 17:17 (AMP) Yes, Jesus answers us. He hears are conversations and requests. He hears our cries and our partitions. He hears the spoken and unspoken words of accusation and rebellion. Most importantly, Jesus answers us. He converses with those who come seeking him. One thing we need notice in scripture there is one key ingredient for Jesus to answer. We must engage Jesus if we expect an answer. He does not answer unasked requests. We can see that Jesus turns to, stops to hear and pauses to those who come to him and engage Him. Jesus may even wait before answering our prayers. Perhaps he gives us time to examine our hearts and request. Perhaps he allows us to determine if we are really calling to him or are complaining of our circumstances. He may even be allowing us to see if we believe He ...

A word for intercessors

I heard the Holy Spirit speaking as I worked outside. There is a call for intercessors to come into alignment. There are many of my people who have been hidden away in closets. Not that I put you there, but out of your woundedness. It is time to come forth. Enter into a new light of glory. If you are healed then step forth. Now is not the time to be silent. Some of you are in varying stages of what seems to be healing. Allow me to bring fresh light so the process comes to completion. There can be no tenderness or guarding at the point of the wound, if you are to clearer hear and speak my words. There are those of you who cloister in your own domains. Align with what I am doing, and do not stay myopic. Allow my vision to bring forth my plans, else your acuity will decrease. It is time for my intercessors to do the work you were called for. Some of you who are hidden away, need now take your place on the wall. Some of you now on the wall are being moved to the gait. You will bring my gu...

autumnal prayer

Father, I write you with a torrent of needs in mind. I see the enemy sifting at friends. He is releasing death and discouragement upon your people. Lives are being stolen and replaced with doubt. Finances are being removed and replaced with uncertainty. I sense those that were once strong in you, now weakened due to the doubts sent by the enemy. They need clarity of mind through you. They need your salve, so their spiritual vision may not only be restored, but granted an increased clarity. Countries are being torn apart. Neighboring people groups are terrorizing one another. Disasters follow upon disaster upon disaster, so much so that we wish not to hear or see the news of them. Our governments are weakened morally and financially. Leadership only sees their microcosm and strategizes to keep instead of helping others. Our judges are corrupt defining laws by their own wishes. Justice is not sought, but pushed away, into obscurity. Yet is this time of darkness we know you remain true a...

I know you

I know you. I am familiar with every facet of your life. You are mine, and I cherish you. You are mine. I see the great things I’ve planted within you. When I look at you I see my son. I know the pains you hold within. But within you is light. Within you is destiny. Within you lies healing for nations. I have placed within you the weapon of my love. With authority you carry my sword of truth. The power of multiplication is within your grasp. You are to bring food for the widows and homeless children. I am pleased when I hear you praying to my Son. My spirit prods you to new levels of intercession. There are no limits to those who desire more of me. I will pour myself freely and fully into your life. I create circumstances so you might grow in maturity And more of me is seen when you walk. Those who learn to sit with me learn there are no failures. Do not become distracted by victory lest you lose your focus in me. For to the ones who have more of me, are the ones more will be given.

Hidden in me

I am looking for those who will stand with me, and do not draw attention to yourself. Cover your face. Remain hidden in me. I am calling forth a new company,a great army. Wherever they moveI am seen; my ways are magnified.

the crossroads

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' I appointed watchmen over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said, 'We will not listen.' Therefore hear, O nations; observe, O witnesses, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law. Jeremiah 6:16-19 (NIV) The watchmen are calling for the unity of God's people. They are still calling for intercession, for the wrath of storms to be lessened and turned away. We call for God's Holy Spirit to flow forth and fill in those placed washed away, that the peoples may see the true glory of our Father. We are called to pray for our government, and to stop pronouncing condemnation against our leaders...

at the crossroads

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' I appointed watchmen over you and said, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said, 'We will not listen.' Therefore hear, O nations; observe, O witnesses, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law. Jeremiah 6:16-19 (NIV) The watchmen are calling for the unity of God’s people. They are still calling for intercession, for the wrath of storms to be lessened and turned away. We call for God’s Holy Spirit to flow forth and fill in those placed washed away, that the peoples may see the true glory of our Father. We are called to pray for our government, and to stop pronouncing condemnation against our leaders. We ar...

let my light shine

You are mine. I have given you authority over the earth. It is my spirit shining forth from within you. You are to be my light unto the world. The darkness increases, but only from a lack of pure light. Shine forth. Fear not the coming storms. Those who know me will be secure. Let loose of the residual things of the world. They have no place in what I have designed you to be. Call forth the things which I show you. Proclaim the truth and liberty. Speak to the storms in the confidence of my sons. I have already shown you the example. Let love be your motive in all you do. Allow me to flow forth more freely from your belly. Let your accumulated faith arise. Let it be a fire by night. Perfect love casts out fear. Let the heathen know the power of my love. Let the authority of my people shine forth in the deeds they accomplish walking in me.


BUT THE [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach 1 Timothy 4:1 (AMP) I was recently shown a warning dream. In this dream there were many who were being seduced. Most of it was blatant, yet unknowingly, these people were being led astray. They were partaking of things they would knowingly avoid. It was as if these believers had become blinded to open sin. Not all fell prey to the seduction. Those who had not fallen into the trap were identified by the enemy. There was a point in time where they were openly physically threatened; with the intent of their death. We need be aware. There are many seductive spirits actively about. They are moving along side all they can approach. Initially their tactic may not seem noticed and almost innocuous. They seek to desensitize God’s people to sin and those things they know are wrong. Do not become caught ...

I will wash

I will wash clean iniquity, the influence and actions of those called mine. I strongly support those I know; Those that have learned to draw nearer. In this darkening time I am calling out for my people. I am releasing my light into a greater influence. Star will rise and fall. Storm-clouds will race about releasing destruction, seeking to bring terror. Yet stand firm. Fall upon your knees. Call upon my name. Ask for my will to be performed. I will answer those who call out to me. Do not forget. I am the one who redeems. I see beyond what seems possible. You are mine. You are called to release hope. You are called to sit with me, to witness my glory. I am washing clean my people. Draw near.

anesthetic and sleepwalkers

I overheard two words from the Father today: anesthetic and sleepwalkers You are mine. Awaken to my words. Learn my words. Know the nuance of my heart. I am leading. Are you following? Awaken you sleepwalkers. The time for going through the motions is passed. Allow me. Allow me to heal you. Allow me to lead you. There are doors for my people to pass through. Enter into a new glory, One of which you’ve not tasted. One of which exudes from me. I am revelation and wisdom. Walk with me. Awaken you sleepwalkers. There are things your natural eyes cannot perceive. Walk with me. I have new eyes for you. Pass through this door. Awaken. Receive the showers of my blessings. I am releasing grace I am showering my people with my son. Awaken to my reality. I am transforming those who will draw near. Come and worship. Sit with me in silence that I might fill you. The time for anesthesia has passed. Awaken t my touch. Feeling my leading. Look upon the lost. Look upon them with my eyes. See what I see...

Come into my labour

Come into my labour. Walk in the way I have created And you will find me. The fullness you are desiring comes from being in my will and doing the work set before you. Without me there is an empty void. With me there is hope and renewed vision. Come into the fields and labor for my kingdom. Do not let the harvest come to spoil. Release the heavy loads you toil with And rest in me. I will put my burden upon your spirit. You will carry my yoke and find relief. Labor not for the things that perish. Be not trapped by the commodities of your life, But be caught in the need to be near me. Find rest in the work I provide. Come into my labour And find peace and contentment. Allow me to supply for your needs. Take up my ways. Reach the multitudes in need one at a time. Come to me and labour for my kingdom.

the 8th day

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. Luke 12:32-36 (NIV) Day-8 The whole world now sees the devastation wrought by the storm. We have an even larger opportunity to minister. Will our neighbors know the love of Jesus flowing from us or will we continue to be withdrawn in our own conclaves? While we are all called to service, it will manifest itself in ways and giftings planted within us as individuals. We are not to be afraid. We are directed to give liberally. It is a tim...

Thirst for Me

Come to me and drink freely. Not only am I digging new wells. But I am reopening wells that have seemed closed down. Thirst for me and receive. Call to me and drink my waters. Search for me. Seek my way and receive the water from the wells my son provides He is the living water. His source is endless. Return to him and be satisfied. Come and drink freely. I offer you hope. Hope and thirst for me.

Remember me

Turn to me. She if I will not answer you. Return from your own ways and thoughts. Cry to me in your desperation. Shout to me in you jubilation. Oh how I long to hear from you. I see the suffering of my people. I watch as they walk away, on their own. Return to me that I might release fullness within. Come to me that my kingdom be released on earth. Call upon me and receive more than comfort. Allow my Spirit to anoint you with my peace.

Move Forth

Move forth with me. Step into the promises I have shown you. Release the shackles from your past And move in new freedom. Let go of the lies which bind you to the present. Not only have I called you, but I have prepared you. I have prepared you to succeed in me. I have given you what is needed. Move forth in my authority. Claim the lost places for my name. Freely disperse forgiveness. Release love into the land. Speak my word. The plans of the enemy will be destroyed. My truth releases the captives. My ways bring prosperity. Go forth into new places. I am directing your pathway. You can not fail, for the plans are mine.I the creator call you to move forth with me.


Does your hunger for my word seem diminished? Is it hard to find time to seek me? Allow my spirit to lead you. Ask and you will receive. Do you desire a deeper relationship with me? It is available to you. Call upon my name. Allow my spirit to lead you. There is no failure in those that I know. I have no disappointment in my children, only love. Direction and correction are for mine. These release new life. Be washed in my presence. Allow me to clean away the grime. I will wash over those who call to me. Do not allow sin to go unchecked. It will result in death. The enemy would have you believe there is punishment and disgrace. He would speak lies to your spirit, to cause you to avoid me. Call to me and receive life-renewing water. Be anointed with my oil. Renew yourself in my ways. I desire to reconcile all that is mine.

I am the fire

I am the fire and express myself in many ways. I am the fire that did not consume the bush. My ways are to draw you aside to me. Turn aside and see if I am not calling you to a new level of relationship. I am a pillar of fire That offers direction in times of darkness. I am high and lifted up So that all who would look for me Can clearly see where, and when I am moving. I am the fire visible on Sinai. I am found in the mountains of testing. Are you willing to take time to search my ways? My glory is awesome. From within my fire You shall receive instruction. I am the fire. I express myself to my people who call upon my name. No enemy will mock my name. I am a consuming fire that destroys impurity bold enough to approach me in ways I have not sanctified. I am the fire. I go before my people that your pathway is clear. There is no mistake to my leading. My enemies will be destroyed. I will burn the gates of the proud and haughty. I am the fire of purity. I bring purity to those who seek ...

Know that I love you

Know that I love you. While you were still a sinner I loved you; I sent my Spirit pursued you. My love is real. In it there is no failure. The blood of my Son has covered your sins. This blood flows freely. My love is never-ending. Know that I love you. Release your failures to me. Leave them; you are not rejected. You are not disqualified. As you learn to realize my love You too will be able to share my love with those who desperately need it. There are those crying for someone to touch and speak with them. Why not share my love? My love is never-ending. Know that I love.

a time of fire approaching

And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego fell, bound, into the furnace of blazing fire. Then King Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in alarm. He said to his advisers, “Didn’t we throw three men, bound, into the fire?” “Yes, of course, Your Majesty,” they replied to the king. He exclaimed, “Look! I see four men, not tied, walking around in the fire unharmed; and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” Nebuchadnezzar then approached the door of the furnace of blazing fire and called: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you servants of the Most High God—come out!” So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the fire. When the satraps, prefects, governors, and the king’s advisers gathered around, they saw that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men: not a hair of their heads was singed, their robes were unaffected, and there was no smell of fire on them. Daniel 3:23-27 (HCSB) My church be assured, there is a time of fire approaching. There will be great testing, and th...

the yellow bag

NOW MOSES kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the back or west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb or Sinai, the mountain of God. The Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, yet was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burned. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here am I. Exodus 3:1-4 (AMP) I was driving home from work late one hot and humid summer afternoon. There was a very warm breeze blowing. As I was on this three lane street I saw something on the road in front of me. It was a bright yellow plastic grocery-type bag. It did not move as cars went by on either side of it. As I was driving closer to the bag it began to move. It lifted straight up into the air as I drove ...


Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, depravity, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions, envyings, murders, drunkenness, carousings, and similar things. I am warning you, as I had warned you before: Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God! But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:19-23 (NET) As I was recently driving in my car I came up to an intersection. As I slowed, I was behind a blue Saturn station-wagon. It sat there waiting with the left turn-signal blinking. When it came time for us to go, it turned right, instead of left. It was then I heard God speak. It was a simple, straight forward message. Watch those who are your leaders, those you are following, especially your spiritual leaders. They are not to be criticized. They...

the diviner's rod

Ask Yahweh for rain in autumn and at the time of the spring rains. Yahweh is the one to make the storm-clouds. He will give them showers of rain; to each, grass in his field. Since the domestic idols have talked nonsense, and the diviners have seen false signs, and dreams have purveyed delusions, affording empty comfort, that is why they have strayed like sheep, in distress for want of a shepherd. Zechariah 10:1-2 (NJB) A diviner’s rod is forked. It is a Y-shaped tool that is used to search for water, to predict the place where a well should be drilled. In this verse, Zechariah 10:2, we are told diviners are not to be trusted. They lie and offer false dreams. Why would we knowing pursue falsehood or trust the words and dreams of fortune tellers? We are to trust God. The Holy Spirit speaks truth and does not offer false hope. The diviner’s rod is false. The motives are twisted. While it may lead to water, they speak of an impure flow. Yahweh is our provider God. His ways are straight. H...

the other side of the river

Moses said: After we went through Ammon, the Lord told us: Israel, pack up your possessions, take down your tents, and cross the Arnon River gorge. The territory of the Amorite King Sihon of Heshbon lies on the other side of the river, but I now give you his land. So attack and take it! Today I will start making all other nations afraid of you. They will tremble with fear when anyone mentions you, and they will be terrified when you show up. Deuteronomy 2:24-25 (CEV) As I was driving to work one recent morning I heard Father God speak to me. He said clearly the phrase, “the other side of the river”. As I repeated the words, thinking about them, I realized I was literally traveling across a small river beneath the interstate. The Father says arise, I have prepared you. It was I who brought you out of the ways of the world. Now stand to your feet, rise in my strength. It is time to cross this river. I have given you gifts. The blood of my son covers your sins. Move forth. Foll...

What do you hear?

Are you listening for me? Have you learned to discern my way? It is love. You must seek me. Renew your passion to be near me. Do not allow it to be extinguished. Allow my reality to encompass you. Spend time. Be with me. What could be more important? You ask about me. Why not ask me directly? You are mine. Will I not answer you? Do not be satisfied; seek my fullness. Entreat me to pour forth the revelation of my love. What do you hear? For I am shouting my ways What do you hear, for I am shouting my love? I am whispering your name to come closer.

Seek My Son

Do not listen to the one who says I have rejected you. Do not believe the liar who says you are forgotten and useless. Seek my son, for within Him is all truth. Within Him lies all that is truth and life. Listen for the direction of my Holy Spirit. He is present and active within you. He will direct you to Jesus. Seek my beloved son.

Do not think I have forgotten

Do not think I have forgotten you. You are mine. In you I see the likeness of my son. I have not abandoned the plans I have set for and within you. Allow them to come to maturity. I have not forgotten my purposes Set specifically for you. My son is perfecting you for their completing. I have created you to have encounters with me. I have created you with divine purpose. Hear the intimate desires of my heart. Learn how I hold and protect you. Precious and esteemed are you in my heart.


Walk in the simplicity of my love. I long for my whole creation to know me.

My Name

Stop: Think upon my name For I Am. For I am your comfort; I am all you need. In your stillness and pain acknowledge me. In these unquieting times look to me. I am the author of peace. My plans will be accomplished. Meditate upon my names; Speak them to your neighbors. Fill my kingdom. Meditate upon my name for it is who I am. The truth within my Word never changes.

Do not withdraw

Do not withdraw. Do not be pulling away in to isolation That is the hand of the enemy. This is not the time to pull into yourself. Worship me; worship with my children. I am working for you through those others; Seek them out. They need what I have planted within you. Do not withdraw into solitude, except to be with me. I am releasing healing Seek me that you may find it. Bathe yourself in my presence. I am at work within you, to accomplish a new season, to release a new authority. Awake to my angelic messengers They will feed you.

I Am Here

Know I am here. Learn to recognize and respond to me. I am drawing your heart. Know I am wherever you await for me. I am moving throughout the world. I am looking to awaken my creation. I am here now; Allow me to minister to you. Allow my healing to flow through you. Living water does not stand stagnant. Allow me to flow freely.

My Ways Within You

In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider that God has made the one side by side with the other, so that man may not find out anything that shall be after him. Ecclesiastes 7:14 (AMP) Rejoice: For I have planted my ways within you. My DNA resides within you multiplying as you come into my presence. I have sent you my son that you may have life. Do not hold back from seeking Him. Do not be complaining. Stand in the light of my son. These are the times that your foundation must be firmly established. Extend your roots. Stabilize your ways in me. I will send my rains. I will send my shaking. Be established in me.

Time With Me

Spend time with me that you may be fed. Do not allow your hunger to be satiated with junk food. I offer the pure bread of life, But you must choose to partake. Your hunger is real. Be fed. Allow me replace your hurts and wounds with that which is truth. In me there is no fear; Want nothing, but more of me. Eat of the bread I offer. Drink of my pure Holy Spirit. Spend time with me For I desire relationship with you.

Warriors Arise

Warriors Arise It is time for my warriors to arise. Stand to your feet;Release my arrow of praise. Arise and worship methat you may see the enemy is defeated. I have declared you righteousto do my works,to declare my words. Break the lethargy seen upon your cities. Release the people from the dragon’s breath. Your arrows will pierce the armor Of this defeated enemy. Arise warriors. Proclaim freedom. Arise to the promises I have declared. Step into the promises you have received. Arise: Declare your dependence upon me. Declare my ways in everything you do. There are warriors you do not see already in place. Let your agreement rise,that they too may do my bidding. Five Rivers: Cry for me. Call my name aloud. Let the dragon hear you, as you proclaim the praises of my name.